Wednesday 13th: Decemr. 1752
Deposicons touching the Death of
Mathew Mc. Cure< no role >
William Mileham< no role >
of Rosemary Lane
Maketh Oath & Saith that On the 21st:
day of Septemr 1752. about 10 or 11 at Night he went home to Bed but had not been
on bed long before he heard a great Noise Upon which he got out of Bed and looked
out of the Window, and then saw one Mr. Thos: Meadows< no role >
and the Wife of the Deced
Mathew Mc. Cure have words together and then saw the sd. Meadows go to his our
house and when he opend the door his Son Anthony Meadows< no role >
came out and saw
the sd. Anthony Strike the Deced twice & then the Deced fell to the Ground, And
when he got up he saw the sd. Anthony Collan< no role >
him & give him sevll. Blows on
his Belly with his fist & then he fell again & when he was down saw the said
Anthony Kick< no role >
the Deced & stamp upon him three several times, Says the sd. Thos. Meadows< no role >
at the same time held the Deceased's Wife & called out well done Anthony, beat
him again; further Says that he has seen the Deced sevll. times since, And
heard him complain of a pain in his Belly, And that he was with him about
a quarter of an hour before he dyed & saw him clap his hands to his Belly;
& said here lyes my Death, and that William Anthony Meadows< no role >
was the
Cause of hid Death, Says sometime before that when he went to see him
in the Hospital he then said that Anthony Meadows< no role >
was the Cause of
his Death
Joannah< no role >
the Wife
Wm. Scott< no role >
, Says that about 11s or 12 Weeks ago Mrs. Mc. Cure
desired this Depont. to go & see her Husband which she did And heard him
Complain of being beat & Ill used by one Anthony; Says that the Day before
he dyed she saw him again & then heard him declare that one Anthony
had Stampt upon him & was the Cause of his Death, And that the
Father of the sd. Anthony Encouraged him & cryed out
[..] him well