London to wit
Be it Remembered that on the Sixteenth day of July
in the twenty fourth Year of the Reign of his Majesty
George Second Over Great Britain Etc King Etc at Guild Hall
London before me
Thomas Winterbottom< no role >
And Alderman
one of his Majestys Justices
Assigned to keep the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King in and for the said
City Cometh
Edmund Sartell< no role >
in his Proper Person and now here upon his Oath Exhibiteth before me the said Justices
A certain Complaint and Information and there is Upon his Oath complaineth That after the twenty fourth day June
One Thousand Seven hundred and forty eight to wit on the Eleventh day of July Instant in the Parish of Saint Andrew
within the Same City One
Charles Cole< no role >
of the Parish aforesaid Linnen Drapers
a Quantity of Cambrick did tell
to one
James Limbray< no role >
which said Cambrick was not exposed to Sale for Exportation contrary to the form of the Statute
in that Case made and provided by means of which the said
Charles Cole< no role >
hath forfeited to the said Edmund Sartell the
Informer in this behalf the Sum of five Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain All which the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
whereby to prove before me by a credible Witness when the said
Charles Cole< no role >
shall be Summoned to make his Defence
touching the same Wherefore the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
Prays Judgment of me the said Justice in the Premises and that
I will proceed thereupon According to Law and that the said
Charles Cole< no role >
may be Summoned to Appear before me
and Answer the Premises and make his Defence thereto, And hereupon because I will Only consider the Premises
before Jany further proceed herein I do order the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
to come before the twenty first day of July Instant
at the Guild Hall
of the City of London
at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day at which Time I shall
Proceed further in the Premises
[..] see expedient & At Which Day hour and Place here cometh before me at Guild Hall
Aforesaid the
Edmund Sartell< no role >
in his Proper Person and Prays mets to Proceed on his said Information According to Law And
hereupon I the said Justice do nowhere Issue my Summons to Summon on the said
Charles Cole< no role >
to be and Appear before me at
Guild Hall
aforesaid in the City of London
Aforesaid on Friday the third day of August next by Eight of the Clock in the
forenoon of the same Day to Answer the said Information and Complaint of the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
And Afterwards
that is to say on Friday being the third Day of August in the Year aforesaid at Guild Hall
aforesaid in the City Aforesaid
before me the said Justice come as well the abovenamed
Edmund Sartell< no role >
as the Above named
Charles Cole< no role >
in their Proper
Persons the said
Charles Cole< no role >
having been
[..] by Virtue of the Aforesaid Summons And the said Charles
Cole now here before me having first he and the aforesaid
[..] and Information of the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
Unto him Saith that the is in no wise Guilty of the Offence by the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
he rein before on Oath called
and Complained of Against him
Charles [..] Cole< no role >
And the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
now here before me Affirius &
that the said
Charles Cole< no role >
Guilty of the Offence above complain'd of by him the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
And now
here Produceth before me the aforesaid
James Limbrey< no role >
a credible Witness which said James Limbrey now here before
the being first duly Sworn Upon the Holy Evangelists upon his Oath saith that on the Eleventh day of July last in the
Parishof Saint Andrew Holborn
aforesaid the aforesaid
Charles Cole< no role >
did Sell a certain Quantity of Cambrick
to him the said James Limbrey which said Cambrick the said
Charles Cole< no role >
doth not Offer before me to Prove was
Sold or Exposed to Sale for Exportation And the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
now here before me Produceth the said Piece
of Goods here above called Cambrick Bought by the said James Limbrey of the said
Charles Cole< no role >
at the time
Aforesaid in the Manner aforesaid and likewise now here before me Produce
Alexander MacRaby< no role >
Charming< no role >
Thomas Rawson< no role >
Charles Cleary< no role >
being credible Witnesses and each and every of them being A
Credible Witness who being Respectively duly Sworn before me upon that Holy Evangelists do severally upon
their Several and Respective Oaths Prove before me to My Satisfaction that the said Piece of Goods here Above
call'd Cambrick and to now here Produced before me by the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
and by the said James
Limbrey Proved to be bought by him the said James Limbrey of the said
Charles Cole< no role >
Aforesaid is Cambrick And
the said
Charles Cole< no role >
having heard all the Evidence aforesaid and having had due Liberty to cross Examine
All the said Witnesses nowhere doth not Produce on his Part any Witness in Order to disprove the Facts here above
Charged and Sworn to Whereupon and Whereby I the said Justice do nowhere adjudge and finally
determine the said Complaint and Information of the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
Against the said
Charles Cole< no role >
to be true And do hereby convict the said
Charles Cole< no role >
of the said Offence by means of which Offence I do
hereby Adjudge the said
Charles Cole< no role >
hath forfeited the Sum of five Pounds of lawful money of Great
Britain to the said
Edward Sartell< no role > This name instance is in set 3563.
the Informer And that he do pay the same to the said
Edmund Sartell< no role >
Pursuant to the Statute that Case made and Provided Given under my hand and Seal
day of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty
Thos: Winterbottom< no role >