20 April 1750
Take Notice that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish
of Clapham
in the County of Surry will (according to the Statute in that Case
made and provided) apply to his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the City of London
(being the place wherein you dwell) at their next General Quarter Session of
the Peace to be held at the Guildhall
thereof on Monday next the 23d. Instant
in Order for that Court to make an assessment upon You (Pursuant to the
direction of the said Statute) to Relieve and maintain your Mother Mary
Palmer who< no role >
on account of her extream Poverty, Old age, Impotency
to Work and Inability to Maintain herself is become a further upon
and Chargeable to the said Parish
To Mr. Joseph Hatton< no role >
in Houndsditch
Your hble Servts.
{Robert Preken< no role >
Edwd Holden< no role >
John James< no role >
John Lilley< no role >