To the Right Honourable
Samuel Tennant< no role >
Lord Mayor
of the City of London
and the Rest of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the said City in their General Quarter session Assembled
The Humble Petition of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the
Poor of the Parish of Clapham
in the County of Surry
That one
Mary Palmer< no role >
a poor old Impetent person of the said
parish and unable to work for her Maintennance hath
[..] become
chargeable to the Inhabitants thereof for Relief and Maintenance and
Joseph Hatton< no role >
of White Street
near Houndsditch
in the
Parish of Saint Botolph without Bishopsgate
[..] is
the son of the said Pauper and is of sufficient Ability to Maintain
her according to the Intent of the Statute made in this behalf
That your Petrs has well as the said Pauper have divers time
applied themselves unto the said Joseph Hatton< no role >
to allow into
her a reasonable support and Maintenance which the
altogether refuses to do
Wherefore your Petrs. most humbly pray that this
Honourable Court will make a Rate and Assessment
upon the said Joseph for the Relief and Maintenance
of his said Mother according to the statute in that
case made and provided
And your Petrs shall ever pray Etc
Edwds Holden< no role >
} Church Wardens
John Lilley< no role >
of the Poor