That sd. Stephen afterwds. to wit sd. 21st. of Decr at the Parish and Ward afd had Notice thereof and then & there was duly
required to appear among others in sd. Court held before the Mayor & Aldermen of sd City in the Guildhall
of sd City on the Monday next
after the feast of Epiphany then next following to take his Oath for the due execution of his sd. Office & to execute his sd. Office
Neverthless sd. Stephen little regarding his Duty in this behalf but intending & endeavouring the due execution of his sd. Office
totally to neglect & omit continually after his sd. Election to sd. Office to wit sd. Monday next after sd. Feast of the Ephiphany &
continually afterwards hitherto until the day of the taking of this Inquisition altho often requested at the Parish & Ward afd
to take his sd. Oath for the due Execution of his sd. Office or his sd. Office in any manner to execute voluntarily obstinately and
contemptuously altogether hath refused & denied & yet refuses & denies against his sd. duty in manifest Contempt of our sd. Lord the
present King & his Laws to the bad & evil Example of all others in the like Case offending & against the peace of the sd. Lord the
King his Crown & Dignity & soforth
That sd. Stephen sd. 21 Decr. & long before & always after until the day of the taking of this Inquisicon was Inhabiting
and resiant & paying Scot and bearing Lot within sd. Parish of St. Peter le Poor
in the ward of Broad Street
afd and that within the
Ward of Broad street
aforesd. there is and from the time whereof the memory of Man is not to the contrary there hath been a
certain Court of our lord the present King & his Predecessors called the Wardmote held in every Year in and upon the Feast
of Saint Thomas the Apostle
unless sd. Feast happened to be on a Sunday & in such Case upon the day then next following
sd. feast before the Alderman of the Ward aforesd. for the time being or his Deputy In which sd Court according to the Custom
within sd. Ward for all the time afd used and approved to wit in sd Parish of St. Peter le Poor
in the Ward aforesd. all the Men
Inhabiting & resiant paying Scot and bearing Lott for the time being within the Ward afd have been used accustomed and
ought & were bound by reason of their Residence to appear in sd. Court & to do their suit there & in sd Court according to the Custom
of sd Court yearly for all the time aforesd. sd. Men inhabiting & resiant paying Scot & bearing Lot for the time being within the
Ward afd were used accustomed & ought to appoint & choose divers Persons then inhabiting and resiant paying Scot and
bearing Lot within the Ward afd Constables in and for the several Precincts of sd. Ward for the preserving the Peace of the
sd. Lord the King & for apprehending of Rogues Vagabonds & other Suspicions Persons within the Ward afd for the publick good
which sd. Persons so as aforesd. appointed & choosen were used & accustomed & ought to hold sd. Office last mentioned for the
Year then next ensuing & until another Person should be elected into their sd. Office last mentioned and also were used
& accustomed & ought on the Monday next after the feast of Epiphany next after the sd. Election to take their Corporal Oath
for the due execution of their sd. Office last mentioned at the Guildhall
of sd City in the Court there held before the Mayor and
Aldermen of sd. City for the time being for all the time afd
That sd. Stephen Kent< no role >
sd. 21 of Decr in sd Court of Wardrobe then held for the Ward afd within sd Ward to within the
Parish of St Peter le Poor
in the Ward afd before Thomas Rawlinson< no role >
then one of the Aldermen
of sd. City & then & yet
Aldermen of sd. Ward lawfully & duty by the Men inhabiting and resiant paying Scot and bearing Lott within sd. Ward
according to theCustom of sd. Court & Ward for all the time aforesd. used was duely elected unto sd. Office of Constable in
and for the precinct of St Peter le Poor
being one of the Precincts of sd. Ward for one whole year then next ensuing and
until another Person shod. be elected into his sd. Office last mencond for preserving the peace of sd. Lord the King & for apprehendg
Rogues Vagabonds & other suspicions Persons within the Ward aforesd. for the publick Good and that sd. Stephen afterwds.
to wit sd. 21. of December in the year last aforesd. at the parish of St. Peter le Poor
in the ward afd had Notice thereof & then
& there was duely required to appear among others in sd Court hold before the Mayor and Aldermen of sd. City in the Guildhall
of the sd City on the Monday next after the past of the Epiphany then next following to take his Oath for the due execution of his
sd. Office last mentioned & to execute his sd. Office last mentioned Nevertheless sd. Stephen little regarding his Duty in this behalf
but intending & endeavouring the due execution of his sd. Office last mentioned totally to neglect and suit continually after his sd.
Election to the sd. Office last mentioned to wit said Monday next after sd. feast of Epiphany & continually afterwards hitherto
until the day of the taking this Inquisicon (altho often requested at sd. Parish of St. Peter le Poor
in the ward afd) to take his