City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

3rd December 1734 - 19th December 1735

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150460030

Image 30 of 10530th June 1735

To the knight Honourable the Lord Mayor and the Rest of the Justices in the General Quarterly Sessions
of the peace to be holden for the City of London on the thirtieth day of June in the year of our Lord One
Thousand seven hundred and thirty five .

The Humble Petition of Alvaro Lopes Suasso< no role > of London Merchant


That your petitioner pursuant to the act of Parliament made in the Eleventh year of the Reign of his late Majesty.
King George the first Intituled an Act for the better regulateing of Buildings and to prevent Mischeifs that may happen
by Fire within the Weekly Piles of Mortallity and other places therein mentioned did on or about the nineteenth day of May
last give notice in writing to John How< no role > Gentleman That your Petitioner should pulldown the House your petitioner lately
dwelt in and in your petitioners possession scituate and being in Broadstreet in the Parish of Saint Peter to Poor
in Broadstreet London and Erect and Build another House on the Premisses and that your petitioner intended within
three Weeks from the date thereof to pull or take down the partition or party Wall between your petitioners said House
and the House next adjoining thereto then and now in the Tennre or Occupation of Wm. John Hyder< no role > of which the said
John How< no role > is the Owner an to build a new Party Wall according to the directions of the Act of Parliament with at Case
made and provided.

And your petitioner Sheweth that in pursh anne of the said Notice and Act of Parliament your petitioner
named two Workmen that is to say Thomas Smith< no role > and Isaac Dawes< no role > on your petitioners behalf and the said
John How< no role > named too Workmen on his behalf that is to Say William Cooper< no role > and Samuel Warrell< no role > to View the said
party Wall and they me that the said premisses according to the said notice.

That your petitioners said two Workmen have Certified in Writing under their hands that they did on the
fourteenth day of June One Thousand Seven hundred and thirty five View the State and Condition of the aforesaid
Party Wall and did find a great part of the said Wall to be Defective and ruinous and that the same ought to be
pulled down as the said Acted Parliament Directs and were ready to Certify the same to your Worships but
the said Mr. Hows two Workmen have and either of them hath refused or neglected to Certify in Writing under their
or either of their hands whether the said party Wall is or is not Defective and ruinous or whether the same or any
Part thereof ought or ought not to be Pulled down as by the said Act they are required to Do and by your Petitioner
they were likewise Desired to Do.

That your petitioner did therefore on the Twentieth day of June aforesaid Give another house in Writing to the
said John How< no role > purporting that your Petitioner would Name three more Workmen to view the said Party
Wall on your petitioners behalf and that they would attend at the said premisses on Tuesday the Twenty
fourth day of June aforesaid between the Home of him and Ten in the forenoon of the same day at which
time and place the said John How< no role > mighty he thought proper likewise name three more Workman to View the
said Party Wall on his behalf and that in default of the like Number of Workmen Attending and Viewing the
same on his behalf at the time and Place last mentioned Your petitioner did thereby also Give Notice that
Your Petitioner would Appoint and name Six Workmen for the like purpose who would then and there Attend
to View the said Party Wall in order for them to Certify in Writing under their hand to the Justices of the peace
in the next General or Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held for the City of London whether such Party Wall or
any part thereof then was or was not defective and Ruinous and whether the same or any and what part
thereof ought or ought not to be Pulled down Pursuant to the said Act of Parliament.

That the three Workmen Appointed by your petitioner as aforesaid to View the said party Wall then and there
Attended accordingly but the said John How< no role > or any Workmen his behalf did not then and there Attend and thereupon
Six Workmen named by your petitioner for that purpose did then and there Attend and View the said Party Wall and all of them made
and Signed the Certificate hereunto Annexed.

Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays Your Lordship and Worships that your Lordship
and Worships will be pleased to Order the said Party Wall mentioned in the said
Certificate to be Pulled down or to make such other Order or Order in the Premisses
as your Lordships and Worships in Your Discretions shall think Just and reasonable
and Agreable to the said Act of parliament and according to the true Intent and
meaning thereof

And your Petitioner shall Ever Pray
Alvaro Lopes Suasso

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