City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

3rd December 1734 - 19th December 1735

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150460029

Image 29 of 10530th June 1735

To the Worshipfull the Justices of the Peace at
the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to
be holden for the City of London at the Guild hall
of the same City on the Thirtieth Day of June 1735

We whose names are here unto Subscribed being the Six Workmen
named by the Petitioner Alvaro Lopes Suasso< no role > (as in and by his petition
annexed is set forth) to view the party Walls therein mentioned on the part
of the said Petitioner did on the 24 day of June 1735 between the hours of
Nine and Ten of the Clock in the forenoon of the Same day View the state
and Condition of the party Walls between two Houses in Broad-Street
in the Parish of Saint Peter Le Poor London, one whereof was late in the
Occupation of the said Alvaro Lopes Suasso and the other now in the
Possession of Mr. John Hyder< no role > of which Mr. John Howe< no role > is Landlord being
the party-Walls mentioned in the said Petition and We did find and Do
Humbly Certify to this Honourable Court that 158 Feet or thereabouts
of the said party-Walls on the North Side of the said House belonging to
the said Alvaro Lopes Suasso and 816 Feet or thereabouts of the said
party-Walls on the East side of the said House belonging to the said
Alvaro Lopes Suasso making in all 974 Feet or there abouts to be
Defective and Ruinous and that the Same ought to be pulled down
as the Act of Parliament (made in the Eleventh year of the Reign
of his Late Majesty King George the First, Intituted an Act for the
better regulating of Buildings and to prevent Mischiefs that may
happen by Fire within the Weekly Bills of Mortality and other
places therein mentioned directs, All which We Humbly Certify as
aforesaid Witness our hands this 29th day of June 1735.

Henry Dagley< no role >
Robert Loyd< no role >
James Dunbar< no role >
Thos. Smith< no role >
Issac David< no role >
Richd. Hudson< no role >

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