London [..]
To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the
Poor of the Parish of Saints Sepulchres
London andthe Churchwardens
and Overseers of the Poor of the
Parish ofHamlett
of Bethnall Green
in the parish of St Dunstan at Stepney otherwise Stebbonheath
in the County of Middlesex
Sr Wm Billers< no role >
Richd: Brocas< no role >
Whereas Complaint hath been made unto Us two of
His Majesties Justices of the Peace
for this City and the
Liberties thereof one being of the (Quorum
[..] ) by You the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Saints Sepulchres
London That Elizabeth
Kettle Singlewoman
lately come to reside in your said Parish not having obtaind any
Legal Settlement there and islikely to become chargeable
thereto unless timely prevented Which Complaint We judge to
be true and for as much as it appears unto Us by the Oath of
Elizabeth Kettle< no role >
that her late Husband
John Kettle< no role >
of the sd
Elizabeth Kettle< no role >
lived for Several Years together
(before his Inter marriage) a Yearley hired Servt
. wth Mr
Thos. Scott< no role >
in the Hamlet of Bethnal Green
in ye Pish of St Dunstan at Stepney
otherwise Stebbonheath
in the County of Middx And no other Subsequent Settlement appearing unto Us We, the
Said Justices are of opinion and do Adjudge the last Legal
Settlement of the said
Elizabeth Kettle< no role >
to be in the said
ParishHamlett of the Bethnall Green
in the Pish of St Dunstan at
Stepney otherwise Stebbonheath in the County of Middx And that thitherto She ought by Law
to be sent
These are therefore in his Majesties Name to Will and
Require You the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of
the said Parish of Saints Sepulchres
forthwith to Remove and County the said Elizabeth
Kettle Singlewoman
from and out of your said Parish unto the saidParishHamlett of Bethnall
Green in the Parish of St Dunstan at Stepney otherwise Stebbonheath in ye County of Middx
And her deliver unto the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the Poor there or one of them Who is and are hereby required
to Receive and Provide for her according to Law Given
under our hands and Seals this 11thday of January
Anno Domini1733