Depont. further Saith, That he was also Present and did See the said Benjamin Hall< no role >
, Seal and as his
Act and Deed deliver to the Use and Purposs therein mentioned the Other Parchmt. Indenture
now also Exhibited unto him this Depont. whole undefaced and uncancelled bearing date
the Twenty eighth day of May Last, made or mentioned to be made between the said Benjamin
Hall of the One Part, and the Said Henry Moore< no role >
of the Other Part, purporting and being
Reconveyance of the Same Premissed from the said Benjamin Hall< no role >
to the said Henry Moore< no role >
and that he this Depont. as a Witness to the Sealing and Delivery thereof, did thereupon
Likewise Write and Endorse his Name as thereby italos doth and May Appear; And this
Depont. further Saith, That the Two other Parchmt. Indentures, now Exhibited unto him
purporting and being Deeds of Conveyance and Reconveyance of the Same Tenor and Dat.
with those abovementioned, were Sealed and Delivered by the Parties abovenamed, in the
Presence of him this Depont. and that as a Witness thereto he did Write nd Endorse his Name
upon Each of the said Indenture by the same it doth and may Appear.
Sworn the First day of June
1734, before me
Richd: Brocas< no role >
Richd Joal< no role >