To the Rt. Honble. Sr. William Billers< no role >
. Lord Mayor
of the City of London
The humble Peticonr of Mary Brace< no role >
who was
Convicted in April Quarter Sessions and now in
for Transportation
That Your Poor Peticoner was recommended by a Certificate
from the Churchwardens Overseers of the Poor and Several
Antiant and Substantial Inhabitants of the Towne of
Ware in Harfordshire
And also by a Letter from
Alderman Persons directed to your Lordship
recommending Your Peticoner to your Lordships
favour to Save me from Transportation by ordering
me Corporal Punishment
Which Said Letter and Certificate was
delivered to your Lordship on Tuesday the 14th day of
this Instant May and Your Lordship was So good
to give the Same to your Clerk then in waiting
Therefore your Peticoner most humbly
Prays your Lordship would be So gretiously
pleas'd to Order Your Poor peticoner (being
her first offence) to be calld up this present
Mary Sessions and to receive Such Corporal
as to your Lordship And the
Honorable Court shall Seem most meet
And yr. Petr shall ever be bound to Pray
Mary Bualse< no role >