London [..]
Ad Genal Quarterial Session paris Din Regis tent P
Civitat London P Adiornament apnd Ginhald
Civitat die Ven is scilt Tertio decimo die May Anno
We Willi ttij mmc Angl Etc Decimo.
Upon complaint made to this Courte by William Robeson< no role >
of the
Parish of St. Sepulchers
London Linnendraper
Arate Duty or Imposicon made charged & imposed on Benjamin
Preistly< no role >
Richard Fisher< no role >
Joseph Chesheir< no role >
Thomas Hough< no role >
& William
Davis< no role >
by virtue of the Act of Parliament made in the 7th. & 8th. yeares
of his now Maties. Reigne Intituled an Act for granting to his
Matie. severall Rates or Dutyes upon houses for makeing good the
deficiency of the clipped mony vizt. of the servall sumes or twoe
shillings to be paid yearly in respect of their servall dwelling
house And itt appearing to this Courte upon examination and
oath in that behalfe That the said Benjamin Preistly< no role >
Fisher< no role >
Joseph Chesheir< no role >
Thomas Hough< no role >
& William Davis< no role >
reason of their poverty are exempted from the usuall Taxes
payments & contribucons towards the Church & Poore of the
said Parish of St. Sepulchers
Itt is thereupon ordered That the
said Benjamin Preistly< no role >
Richard Fisher< no role >
Joseph Chesheir< no role >
Hough< no role >
& William Davis< no role >
be freed & discharged from the said
yearly paymt. of twoe shillings on them servally rated and
charged as aforesaid And that the same be deducted from the
Collectors. charge According to the honor of the Act aforesaid.
Good fellow