To the Sherifis of London
John Pilkington< no role >
. Keeper of His
Majesties Goal
at Ludgate
ss.THese are in his Majesties Name to Will and Re-
quire you to bring before me Sr. Robert
Geffery< no role >
One of His Majesties Justices of the Peace
the Citty aforesaid, at my dwelling house
in Lyme Streete
in the said
Citty on the 20th day of this Instant duty
at Nine of the Clock in the forenoone the
Body of Thomas Facer< no role >
Prisoner for debt or damages in your Custody,
who hath by his Petition desir'd his Warrant, pursuant
to Two several Acts of Parliament, the one made in the
22d. and 23d. Years of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord
King Charles the II. Intituled, An Act for the Relief and
Release of poor distressed Prisoners for Debt: The other
made in the 30th. Year of the said late King, Intitled, An
Act for the further Relief and Discharge of poor distressed Pri-
soners for Debt: And according to the true intent and
meaning of that most Gracious Act of this present Parlia-
ment, Intituled, An Act for the Relief of poor Prisoners of
Debt or Damages, and that then and there you make Re-
turn of the Cause or Causes of the Imprisonment of the
said Thomas Fencer< no role >
and further makes Oath,
that her was really and truely a Prisoner in your Custo-
dy, without any [..] or Deceit by you, or by any other
to your know [..] upon the 25th. of December last
past, to the [..] Oaths mention'd in the said
Acts may be admitted unto him and other
Proceedings thereon had according to the said Acts.
Given under my Hand and Seal the Twentieth Day of
August in the Ninth Year of the Reign
of our Sovereign Lord King William Over England, Etc
Anno Dom. 1697