Know all men by these Prsents that I Frederick Rothen< no role >
of the parish of St Pauls
in the County of Middx
have and by those Prsents doe make Ordaine and Constitute Rebecca Wolf< no role >
of the said
Parish MyMy true and lawfull Attorney
irrevoceable for me and in my name and for her Use To aske, demand and receive of and
from the Right Honoble. the Treasurer or Pay master of their Maties. Ravie and Comms for prize money
and whom [..] it must Concern As well All such Wages, and Pay Bounty money, Prize money, and
all other Sums and Sumes of money whatsoever, as now is and which hereafter shall or may be due or
payable unto me, [..] to their Maties Gracious Declaration of the 23d. May 1689 And also all such
Pentions Salleryes, smart Money and all other moneys and things whatsoever which now and at any time
hereafter is and shall be due to me for my owneService or otherwise in any of
then Maties Shipps Frygg [..] or Vesells or any Merchants shipp as shipps As also to demand recover and receive of
all other Pson and Psons not [..] whom it doth or may Concerne All and Singular such other Sume and sumes
of money, goods, ware Effects, wages, debts, [..] Claimes, and demands, whatsoever which now and hereafter is or shall
be due and payable unto me other by Bond, Bill, book, accompt, or otherwise howsoever And moreover in my name
and for my proper use to demise, and Lett by Lease in Writing or otherwise All or any of my Messuages, Lands, or
benemts. to such person or persons and for such terme of yeare Condicons and reservations as my said Attorney
or her Councell shall think fitt and Convenient, Giveing and hereby granting unto my said Attorney
my full and whole power in the Prmisses and to recover and receive all and Singular the sume and sumes
of money Matters and things aforesaid, and upon none payment thereof or any part thereof All such
person and persons whoms it may concerne and where nood shall require their Executs. Adminstrs. and goods
to sue Arrest, Attach, seize, Imprison, prosende and Condeume, and Compound and agree and out of prisons to
release and discharge and upon receipt of the said premisses or any parts thereof , acquitances, releases or
any other Discharges for me and in my name to make seals and deliver and one attorney or more to
Substitute and att pleasure to revoke and generally to act and doe all other Acts, matters, and things, whatsoever
wood full and necessary to be done in and touch the prmisses as fully and effectually as I ought or could doe
if I wore personally present Ratifying and [..] ving for firme and valid Irrevecable all and
whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully [..] cause to be done in or touching the premisses by virtue
of these presents
And I the said Frederick Roth< no role >
[..] Considering the Incertainly of this transitory life doe
make and Declare these prsent to contained [..] Will and Testament That is to say All
such Wages Sume and Sumes of money Lands Tonements Goods Chattells and (State whatsoever where wth.
att the time of my decease I shall be possessed or Invested or which shall then belong or of Right appertaine
unto me I doe give devise and be queath unto the said Rebecca Wolff< no role >
And I doe hereby Nominate and appoint the said Rebecca
Wolff< no role >
the full and sole Executrix of this my last will And doe revoke all former
Wills and Doods Guift by me at any time heretofore made and doe ordaine these prsents to stand and
befor and as my only last Will and Testament In Wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand
and serve the with day of AprillAnno Dm 1691
And in the Third yeare of the Reigne of our Severeign Lord and Lady
King William and Queen [..] over England Etc Defendrs of ye faith &
Signed Sealed Published
and declared in the prsence of
Mary [mark] Dutteridge< no role >
Thomas Dobef< no role >
Robt. Holland< no role >
Frederick Rother< no role >