To the right honoble the Lord Major of the Cite of London
and to the right
Worpfull the Aldermen & Recorder
Justices of the peace
of the same Citie.
The humble Peticon of the Churchwarden & Overseers of the poore
of the parish of St. Michaell to Querne
in London & the
Parishioners & Inhabitants of the same Parish.
That upon Compll. lately made into Sr
Thomas Stampe< no role >
& Sr
Lovell< no role >
Justices of the peace
of the Citie of London (one being of the
Quor) by that parte of the parish of St. Sepulchre
which is within the Citie
of London, That
Hannah Allen< no role >
late of the said Parish of St.
Michaell Le Querne
aforesaid was lately come into the said parish of St.
within the the Citie of London, & was likely to become chargeable to
the same & upon oath made by the said
Hannah Allen< no role >
that her last legall
Settlement or abode was in the said parish of St. Michaell to Querne as a
hired Servt
. where she lived for halfe a yeare, The said St. Tho: Stampe
& Sr Selathiell Lovell by an order made their hand & Seales bearing
date the 27th. day of December last ordered the said
Hannah Allen< no role >
to bee
delivered to your petrs. the Churchwardens & Overseer's of the said parish of
St. Michaell le Querne, & that your Petitioners should provide for her
according to Law, & your petrs. have accordingly provided for her ever time.
That your Petrs. are advised that the said Hannah Allen< no role >
was never
legall setted in the said parish of St. Michaell Le Querne
, or if so setted
that she being married away from the said parish ought to bee sent to her
husbands last legall Settlement.
Your Petrs. therefore humbly pray's Pr. Lopp
Worshipps to order that the said Hannah Allen< no role >
be sent
back to the said parish of St. Sepulcher
or that your Lopp &
Worpps will bee pleased to make such other order
concerning her as shall bee agreable to Law & Justice
And your Petrs shall ever pray Etc.