July 13.
The Prsentments of the Grand
Inquest for the city of London
Justice Hall
in the Old Bayly London
13the. July 1693
att the General
quartr. Sessions of the peace
then holden for the sd. citty.
We prsent she great & unusual numbers
of Hackney coaches plying & Standing
in the streets of this citty, [..] a very great
annoyance & obstruction to [..] the Cittizens
& Inhabitants of this Citty, & all persons
going & passing along the Streets of the same
We prsent Broakers acting on the exchange
of London without being Sworne, & having
no settled prise for the Caraines they make
to be contrary to the Custome of the Citty
of London of a prejudice to the trade of
the Same.
We prsent the neglect of the poor, & there
being suffered to begg in great numbers
up & downe the streets of this Citty, to be
a dishonour to the Citty & an injury to
the Inhabitants of the Same.
We prsent the keeping open Tavernes
Coffy houses & other publick houses on Sundays
to be an ungodly practise, Huding to the
prophanation of the Louds day & an
incouragement to Debauchery.
We prsent Lend Weom [..] frequenting the streets
of this Citty at unseasonable hours (called night-
wakers) to be a very great nessacery offending
to the ruine of the youth of this Citty