To the Right Honoble. Sr
. Tho. Stampe< no role >
. Lord Mayor
of the
City of London
And to the Right Worll. their Maties Justices of
the peace
in the Generall Quarter Sessions assembled
The humble peticon of the Churchwardens & Overseers
of the poore
of the parish of St. Buttolph Billingsgate
That by a warrant under the hands & seales of two of this Maties.
Justices of the peace
wth. in this City (Quor unus) one
Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959.
wth. his wife & 2 children were sent to yor. Petr to be provided
for & mainteyned by them upon the oath of the said Henry that
his last legall settlement was in yor. petrs said parish Whereas in
hath about the yeare 1682 did lodge in the said parish But after
in or about 1684The said
Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959.
inhabited for or yeare in the Parish of St. Buttolph Bishoppsgate
& kept a Grovers shopp neere the Church there wch. hee rented att
wd. P Annm & where one of his And children were borne and her
was legally tolled
Yor. Petr humbly suite unto ye good Hons & worpps. into
heare yr. Petrs. upon their appeale from the law warrant
And to order that the Churchwardens of St. Buttolph
may be sumoned to appeare before yor. And that
They may be ordered to provide for the said Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959.
according to the Law
And They shall pray Etc