City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

13th March 1691 - 14th December 1692

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150030173

Image 173 of 1857th October 1692

London ss
7 Oct

Tho: Stampe< no role > Major

John Moore< no role >

Whereas Complt hath beene this day made into us
two of their Maties Justices of ye peace for this City (quor
unus) by the Churchwardens and Overseeres of ye poore
of ye Parish of St: George Buttolphe London that one
Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959. and Mary< no role > his wife and their two Children
are lately come into their said parish and doth reside
there not haveing given notice in Writeing according
to a late act of Parliament in that case made wh [..]
said Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959. and Mary his wife and their
Children are likely to become chargeable to ye said
Parish And whereas it appeareth into us by ye Oath
of ye said Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959. that his last legall settlemt.
was in ye Parish of St: Buttolph Billingsgate London
There are in their Maties names to require you
forthwith to passe and convey or cause to be passed
and conveyed the said Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959. and Mary his
wife and their two Children from Constable to
Constable out of ye said Parish of St: George Buttolplas
into ye said Parish of St: Buttolphs Billingsgate Londo
and there deliver and leave them or cause them to
be delivered and left in ye hands of ye Churchwar-
dens and Overseers of ye poore of ye said Parish of
St: Buttolphs Billingsgate or one of them that they
may be maintained and provided for as ye law
doth direct given undr our [..] hands & Seales the
7th. day of October 1692

To all & en y ye Constables
within this City & libties

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