Dec 3
The Informacon of
Robt. Hatton< no role >
of St. James
Lynnen Draper
taken before me this
third day of December Anno Dm 1692
Who sayeth That this day fortnight, he haveing been
buying & tasting
wines in Lumbard Street
, & returning
between 9 & 10 at night, by the Old barly end; one
Jane Glover< no role > This name instance is in set 2947.
pickt him up; prtending her selfe to be
his Country woman, and had him into the George Ale
house in ye Old Baily
; and in A box together, they
drank part of A mugg of drink dureing wch. time
she pickt his pocket of foure broad peeces of Gold and
foure Shillings in Silver; And this Informt. being sent
for, to one of his acquaintance in the Old Baily
, she
hastened him to be gone, and in A little while, (not A
quarter of An [..] boure he mist his money and returned
to the house but she was gone
Jurat die & Anno Supredics
coram me
Wm Turner< no role >
Rob. Hutton< no role >
The Informacon of [..]
Thomas Alcock< no role >
of ye Old baily
Silk Dyer
taken at the same time
Who Sayeth That he seeing the said Jane Glover< no role >
pick up
the said Robt. Hatton< no role >
And he knowing her to be A Pick
pocket and haveing A respect for the said Mr Hatton and
fearing she would pick his pocket, watch them where
they went, and of his owne accord followed them in and
told him Mr Pugh this Informt Mastr would speak with
him prsently, with designe to hinder her picking his pocket
and then this Informt. went home, and presently returned
and told him that his Master would desire him to come
to him prsently and when he came to this Informts Mrs
house he mist his money and then he said she had pickt
his pocket meaning the said Jane Glover< no role >
, And this Informt.
beleives they were not together a quarter of an houre
Jurat die & Anno Supredics
coram me.
Wm Turner< no role >
Thomas Alcock< no role >