Feb 15
The Examination of
John Earl< no role >
taken the 11th day of February
1689 before
John Robins< no role >
one of their Majties Justices
of the Peace
for the county of Middx
This Examinant declareth that about Two months or Tenn weeks
since he went into a House near Allgate without in London known
by the sign, and name of the Crown Inn, and calld for a Pennyno [..]
of Drink wch was brought him in a Pewter Pott, and that then, [..]
there finding a Sylver Tankard standing was the Cellar he stole, and
took away the said Tankard, and that he Sold the said Tankard
by the hands of a Person little Known to him, who is now a
solder in Flanden as the supposeth, This Examint sayth that he
makes this confession on purpose one way or other to Re [..] himself
out of the kingdom of England, and beggs to be committed to
Jur die et Anno Prdect
cor Jno Robins< no role >
The Mark of
John [mark] Earl< no role >
The Informacon of John Bell< no role >
belonging to
the Crown Inn abovesd taken as above.
This Informant maketh oath, and sayth that about Tenn
weeks since a Sylver Tankard was stolln out of the Crown Inn
abovesd, and he supposeth it to be said Tankard that John
Earl< no role >
abovesd confesseth he stoll thence
Jur cora
Jno Robins< no role >
John Bell< no role >