to wit
The Information of
John Noble< no role >
John Chester< no role >
Mary Medley< no role >
Isaac Caines< no role >
William Badman< no role >
Thomas Brazenell< no role >
taken before me this
17th. day of Septemr. 1783.
Who on their Oath say and first the said John Noble< no role >
says, that
on Saturday Evening last he went into the Green Man & Still
in Penr Street Westminster
much disgnised with Liynor;
at which time he had in his left hand breeches Pocket, a
Canvas Bag containing 13 Guineas and some Silver & in
which House he was robbed of the same. And the said John
Chewter< no role >
says that he was present in said House at the same
time, saw the said Noble asleep in a Box in the Jap room, at
which time a Person now present who calls himself Simon
Frasier< no role >
, sat dose by said Noble and was pulling him about
when this Informant acquainted said Mary Medley< no role >
with it.
And said Mary Medley< no role >
says that on being informed of said
Frasier's setting by said Noble,andConsidering him of a
loose Character, and knowing said Noble had Money about
him, she desired said Frasier to come away more than once,
but which he did not do. That after Sitting by said Noble some
time after, said Frasier got up and went out saying e would
go and fetch Noble's Wife to take him home". And the said
Isaac Caines< no role >
says that he was also present and observed said
Frasier's right Hand on Noble's left Thigh. And the said
William Badman< no role >
says that he was likewise present That
this Informant desired said Frasier to keep away from said Noble
but which he did not do and further Says that he saw said
Frasier's Hands about said Noble's Breeches. And the said
Thomas Brazenell< no role >
says that he was also Present and saw
said Frasier Sitting by said Noble That after Watching said