Quar. of an hour in ye whole
Saith he is sure. All was safe in the Shop
& below Stairs when his Mar. came in & insisted
upon his going up to Bedwhich he had near
done beforewhen No One was to sleep with
him but Informt. As they always went up
togetr. before
Saith there was a great Number of
Hat Boxes in ye Shop but no Hats in theirThe
Hats werein Papers on the Shelves
Saith to the best of his Recollection there
were four Bars in the largest Window for shewing
of Hats & upon each Bar were 4 Hats & all nearly
cost an equal price upon an Average. 10s/. & 12s
eachAnd in ye smaller Window there
were 3 Bars with 3 Hats upon each at about
upon an average 3s/ and 4s/6d each
Saith also that to the best of his Remembrance
therewere on the different shelves in the Shop sevl
Bundles of Hats of 2 and 3 each. & some but one in
a paper at the different prices as above but
cannot tell how many
Saith there were as Hats in the Counters
& only abt. a Doz: covered Linings & some few black
ones. toger. with 3 or 4 Gold Buttons & Coops & some
other small Trimmings as Black and White Bands
& and thinks the Whole of the these Linings & Trimming
could not be worth £10.
Saith that as to Furniture believes his
Master had very little but what was his Sisters
who Inft. knew had Insured her own Furniture as
she told him so& who lodged with her Brdr. but