The Informations of
Mathew Twidale< no role >
Nightingale Lane
in the
Parish of Tottenham
in the County of Middlesex
Farmer Samuel Milward
of St. John Hackney
and Robert Collins< no role >
of St. John Mackney [..]
Taken on Oath the 16th Day of Octr. 1781 before us Two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace
of sd County
And First the said Mathew Twidale Says that on Sunday Night last he and his family
went to Bed about Nine o'Clock and this Informant saw the house shut up safe, that on Monday
Morning this Informant got up a little past 5 o' Clock and found that theBailKitchen Window
was broke open and his House robbed of several Pewter Dishes and Plates Saucepans a Ham a
Loaf of Bread and a Quantity of Beef now produced, And the said Samuel Milward< no role >
himself says that on Monday Morning last between 6 & 7 o' Clock he saw two persons now
present who calls themselves who calls themselves William Wake< no role >
and Joseph Wood< no role >
by this Informant's Door opposite Church Still at Homerton with each of them a Sack
on his Back containing something that this Informant suspecting them to be Thieves pursued them for some
Distance & procured some Assistance in order to apprehend them, that before they were
apprehended the said William Wake< no role >
and Joseph Wood< no role >
threw away their Sacks which
were soon afterwards examined and it was found that the Sack which the said
William Wake< no role >
carried contained the said Pewter Dishes & Plates which the said Matthew
Twidale< no role >
has Sworn to and the Sack which Joseph Wood< no role >
carriedwascontained the
said Ham & Beef Bread which the said Matthew Twidall< no role >
has sworn to, And
these Informants further Say that they do verily believe the said Joseph Wood< no role >
William Wake< no role >
are the persons who broke open the said house & stole the said Goods
Matthew Twidall< no role >
Samuel Millwood< no role >
Sworn before us
October 16. 1781}
John Staples< no role >
Chas: Sheppard< no role >