Susannah Townsend< no role >
of Suffolk Street
in the County of Middlesex
, Sister to
Thomas Townsend< no role >
Esquire who was bound in
Recognizance to prosecute Elizabeth Waff for Felony
at the Session held at the old Bailey
in February last
Maketh Oath and saith, that her said Brother Thomas
Townsend< no role >
is now abroad beyond the Seas (to wit) at the
Spa in Germany for the benefit of his Health. and-
has been for this three Months past But this Deponent
has heard and verily believes he the said Thomas
Townsend< no role >
will return to England in the space of
three weeks or thereabouts
Sworn this 17th. day of October 1781
at Justices Hall in the Old Bailey
By the Court
Susanna Townsend< no role >