to Wit}
The Information of
Mary Willson< no role >
before me One of his Majestys Justices of
the Peace
for the said County
Who being upon Oath saith that this Day Month
about 2' oClock in the Morning she was going to Mr.
Dowdswells in Upper Brook Street to Wash and
that at the Crossing from North
and ley Street to
Upper Brook Street she saw a Person now present
who calls himself Miller come off the Step of Major
Yorks Door & he came to her & asked her to let him
light a Candler and she suspected that he was Upon
some bad design and therefore she refused at first to
let him light his Candler but she afterwards let
him Exchange his Candle for her lighted Candle
Mary Wellson< no role >
Sworn before me the
10th. Day of April 1770}
Saunders Welch< no role >