Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150135

Image 135 of 45830th March 1770

Middlesex To wit

The Information of Susannah Berry< no role > taken
before me this 30th. day of March 1770

Who being upon Oath says that she knows Peter Graham< no role > John Underwood< no role >
John Wood< no role > John Bagnall< no role > Shepherd Strutton< no role > for these six Months past that
she believes them to be intimately acquainted with each other for that they
have frequently been at her house drinking in Company together, says
that she has lately seen John Maguiness Shepherd Strutton and John
< no role > in Company together at her house, and that all of them have
at divers times been at her house in Company within these
six Months ways that a Cribbage Board which is now produced
she had from the Said Peter Graham< no role > about 4 Months ago, that she
had two Gold Rings from Shepherd Strutton John Wood< no role > and John
< no role > about 6 Months ago and that the said Shepperd Strutton
fetched away the Said Rings some time after

Sworn before me
March 30.1770 }


Susannah Berry< no role >

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