Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150116

Image 116 of 45810th March 1770

Surrey to wit

The father Information of James Isnell< no role > and the Information of
Thomas Gregg< no role > of Tooley Street in the Parish of Saint Olave
Southwark in the County of Surrey Pawn Broker who being duly
sworn First The said James Isnell< no role > for himself upon his Oath
saith that the Gold Watch with a Shaggreen Case now produced
by the said Thomas Gregg< no role > is his property And the very same
Watch of which he was Robbed as aforesaid And the said Thomas
< no role > for himself upon his Oath saith that on Tuesday last
the PrisonerJamesI Samuel Clark< no role > brought and offered to
this Deponent to pledge the Gold Watch now produced and
claimed by James Isnell< no role > And being asked by Deponent how
he came by the same he said he bought it of a Sailor at
Wapping But this Deponent expressing some Suspicion of that
Matter by the Price He Samuel Clark< no role > Endeavoured to take
back the Watch but that being prevented he went away under Pretence
of fetching the Person of whom he bought it and never Returned

Sworn at Southwark this Tenth day
of March 1770 . Before me.

Saml Spencer< no role >

James Isnell< no role >
Thos Gregg< no role >

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