Puts Guilty Val 10d.
11. Francis Unwin< no role >
for Steal Goods Val 1s.10d of Susannah Bertout< no role >
from her Pson
Puts Guilty
15. John Folkes< no role >
For Steal Goods Val £3.5s of Jno. Paterson< no role >
Puts Not Guilty
Last Sessn.
Mary Griffiths< no role >
For Steal two Moidores one 6s.9d Piece 15 Gas. two Qr Gas.
& two Qr. Gas. Privately from his Pson
Puts Guilty
Ordd Psr. 30s
tr 24 {John Yardley< no role >
For Steal Goods Val 3s. of Jno. Guyant< no role >
{Puts Guilty
tr {Thomas Tipping< no role >
Friday Morn
Puts Guilty
tr 30. James Cotteral< no role >
For Steal Goods Val 13s.2d of Richd. French< no role >
Puts Guilty
William Warrecker< no role >
For a Robbery in the Highway on
Elizth. Alderman< no role >
& taking Goods & Money Val 10s.3d from
her Pson
Puts Guilty
Last sessn.
[mark] {1.
Mathew Kennedy< no role > This name instance is in set 2968.
For the Wilfull Murder of
John Bigby< no role >
but Mr. Justice Yates for reasonable Cause doth
respite the Execution for the Space of one Week
{Puts Guilty
Patrick Kennedy< no role >
for being present Aiding Abetting Comforting & Maintaining the sd
Mathew Kennedy< no role >
the Murder afd. to do and commit
{Puts Not Guilty
{Michael Mc. Mahon< no role >
{Put, Not Guilty
{John Evans< no role >
Puts Guilty
{Mathew Kennedy< no role >
for the Wilfull Murder of Jno. Bigby< no role >
on the Coroners Inquisition
{Puts Guilty
{Patrick Kennedy< no role >
for being Present Aiding Abetting Comforting & Maintaining the sd.
Mathew Kennedy< no role >
the Murder afsd to do & Commit
{Puts Not Guilty
{Michael Mc. Mahon< no role >
{Puts Not Guilty
{John Evans< no role >