Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150076

Image 76 of 45814th February 1770

to Wit}

The Information of John Pamell< no role >
taken before me One of his Majesty's Justice
of the Peace for the said County

Who being upon Oath Saith that in the Night of
the 22d. Day of January last the Shutters of his Shop
Windows were Fast when he went to Bed. but
were Broke Open in the Night and from thence
was Stolen the Goods Following to Wit five
Perukes two pair of Scissars Six Ragors-two
of which said Wigs were found in the Road the
Next Morning But who the Persons were who
Broke the said Shop this Informant doth not

John Parnell< no role >

Sworn before me the
14th. Day of February
1770 }

Saunders Welch< no role >

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