to Wit}
The Information of
Sarah Watson< no role >
Thomas Holby< no role >
well Servts. to Mrs.
Chraster< no role >
taken before me One of his Majestys
Justices of the Peace
for the said County
Who being upon Oath [..] jointly say that
in the Night of the 5th. day of January last the Dwellg
House of Mr. Catherine Cheaster< no role >
of the Parish of St. Ann
was Broke Open
by foreing the Shutter of the Kitchin Windows
and from thence was Stole One Pair of Pistols
two Table Spoons two Silver Tea Spoons and a
Pair of Gold Wises for the Ears and a Cutlas and
this Informants Jointly say that the said House
was fast when they went Bed on the same Night
Sworn before me the
12th. Day of February
Saunders Welch< no role >
Thomas Halloway< no role >
Sarah Datson< no role >