And Sold by
Clifford's.inn Gate
Fetter. Lane.
(to wit)}
AN INQUISITION indented, taken for our Sovereign LORD the KING, at the Sign of the
Coopers arms in the Hamlett of Blakwall
in the County of
, the 23d. Day of April in the 43d Year of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third
, by the Grace of GOD of the United Kingdom
of Great-Britain and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, before Edward
Walter one of the CORONERS of our said LORD the KING for the said County,
on View of the Body of
John James< no role >
then and there lying dead,
upon the Oath of the several Persons whose Names are hereunder-written and Seals affixed,
good and lawful Men of the said County, duly chosen, and who being then and there duly sworn
and charged to inquire, for our said LORD the KING, when, how, and by what Means, the said
John James< no role >
came to his Death, do, upon
their Oath, say, That the said
John James< no role >
was on the
Twenty first day of Anne instant employed on beard a certain Kick
d [..] being Employed [..]
the Moored in Mr Perry Dock as wapping and in the Rigging of such
[..] the [..] George and County of [..]
Ship when it so happened that he accident ally Casually and by misfortune
of [..] said [..] accord [..]
fell from such Rigging into the Dock and was in the waters thereof Suffocated
and Drowned and of nick Suffocation and Drowning then and there instantly
[..] day [..] Servant Mary Which a
[..] did [..]
IN WITNESS whereof, as well the said CORONER as the said
Wen Grundy< no role >
the Foreman of the said Jurors, and the Rest of his said Fellows, have, to this Inquisition set
their Hands and Seals, the Day, Year, and Place first above-written.
Edward Walter< no role >
Wm. Grundy< no role >
Joseph Higgin< no role >
Thomas Smither< no role >
[mark] his [mark] Mark Samuell Wellbeloved< no role >
Thos. Hooper< no role >
John Barlett< no role >
Richard Norton< no role >
Joseph Jarvis< no role >
Richd. Robert< no role >
Benjn Butler< no role >
[mark] Wen James Hie [mark]
William Lifford< no role >