(To wit)}
AN INQUISITION indented, taken for our Sovereign Lord the King, at the Hamlet of
or the Parish of Saint Dunstan Stepney in the County of
, the Tenth Day of March in the twenty sixth Year of the Reign of
our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third
, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and
, King Defender of the Faith, and so forth, before
Thomas Phillips< no role >
one of the Coroners of our said Lord the King for the said County, on View of the Body of
John Ireland< no role >
then and there lying dead, upon the Oath of
Matthew Gall< no role >
John Tansley< no role >
John Blake< no role >
Thomas Collins< no role >
Charles Paulin< no role >
, James Sollory Robert
George Pinkett< no role >
William Wilkinson< no role >
John Houlgate< no role >
James Brown< no role >
Lancelot Davidson< no role >
, George
Eyton Ambrose< no role >
William Collins< no role >
John Brekell< no role >
good and lawful Men of the said County, duly chosen, and who being then and there duly
sworn and charged to inquire, for our said Lord the King, when, how and by what Means, the
John Ireland< no role >
came to his
Death, do, upon their Oath, say, That the said
John Ireland< no role >
on the Sixth Day of March
in the Year aforesaid being an Infant of the Age of two years and three Quarters or thereabouts
and being in a Two pair of Stairs Room in the Hamlet aforesaid in the Parish and County
aforesaid in which a Fire was then burning It so happened That a Quart mug full of
Boiling Water< no role >
which was standing near the said Fire then and there accidentally, casually
and by Misfortune fell on the said
John Ireland< no role >
, By Means whereof the Head Neck Breast
and Body of him the said
John Ireland< no role >
were then and there mortally scalded and burnt, of
which said mortal Scalding and Burning he the said
John Ireland< no role >
from the said sixth
Day of March in the Year aforesaid untill the Ninth Day of the same month in the
same Year at the Hamlet Parish and County aforesaid
[..] did
Languish and Languishing did live on which said Ninth Day of March in the Year
aforesaid he the said
John Ireland< no role >
at the Hamlet aforesaid in the Parish and County aforesaid
of the Mortal Scalding and Burning aforesaid did die And So the Jurors aforesaid upon their
Oath aforesaid do say That the said
John Ireland< no role >
in Manner and by the Means aforesaid accidentally
casually and by misfortune came to his Death
IN WITNESS whereof, as well the said Coroner as the said Matthew Gall< no role >
the Foreman of the said Jurors, on the Behalf of himself and the Rest of his said Fellows, in
their Presence, have, to this Inquisition, set their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year first
above written.
Thos Phillips< no role >
Matt Gall [mark] Foreman