To wit.}
An Inquisition indented
in the County of Middlesex
, the
[..] wenth Day of
[..] in the 22d. Year of the
Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the third, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of
the Faith, Etc. before Edward Umfreville one of the Coroners of Our said Lord
KING, for the said County, on view of body of
Joseph Fletcher< no role >
then and there lying dead, upon the oath of
Nicholas Edgerton< no role >
Thomas Bacon< no role >
James Bridgen< no role >
Simon Young< no role >
James Campbell< no role >
Brotherton Richard Terrey
George Watson< no role >
Joseph Evans< no role >
William Stock< no role >
Charles Milks< no role >
John Edwards< no role >
James Clarke< no role >
Thomas Grove< no role >
John Bishop< no role >
Henry Kay< no role >
William Readshaw< no role >
John Campbell< no role >
good and lawful Men of the said County duly chosen as by Law required, and who being then and there duly sworn
and charged to enquire for our said lord the KING, when, how, and by what means the said
Joseph Fletcher< no role >
came to h is Death, Do upon their Oath say, That the said Joseph
Fletcher on the Sixth Day of March in the Year aforesaid being
an Infant of the Age of Seven Years or thereabouts And being standing
in the Road or Highway in the Parish and County It so happened That
a certain Cart which was then passing along the said Highway then
and there accidentally casually and by Misfortune beat the said Joseph
Fletcher to the Ground And the Off Wheel of the said Cart did then and
there Pass upon and over the Body of him the said
Joseph Fletcher< no role >
By Means whereof he the said
Joseph Fletcher< no role >
then and there received
Divers Mortal Bruises of which said Mortal Bruises he the said
Joseph Fletcher< no role >
then and there died And so the Jurors aforesaid upon
their Oath aforesaid Do say That the said
Joseph Fletcher< no role >
in Manner
and by the means aforesaid accidentally casually And by Misfortune
came to his Death And That the said Off wheel was the Cause of the Death
of the said
Joseph Fletcher< no role >
is of the Value of One Shilling and the Property
and in the Possesion of
Thomas Boston< no role >
of upper Thames Street
Cannon or of his Assigns
In Witness whereof, as well as the said Coroner, as the said Nicholas Edgerton< no role >
the Foreman of
the said Jurors on behalf of himself and the rest of his Fellows, in their presence, have to this Inquisition set their
Hands and Seals the Day and Year first abovementioned
E: Umfreville [mark] Coronr.
Nus. Edgerton [mark] Foreman