Depositions of Witnesses taken at London
that is to say at the parish of Saint Mary at Hill
in London
aforesaid this 23d day of November
1798 on view of the body of
Susanna Chapman< no role >
now here lying Dead
George Harmony< no role >
a Labourer
a Lodger at the Green Man
Darkhouse Lane< no role >
maketh Oath that between eight & nine
in the Evening of Monday last Dept. having heard a Woman had
fallen into the Water went to Billingsgate
Quay & went down
a Ladder into an Oyster Smack lying at the Quay from
thence he saw [..] the deced in the Water & a Man had
Worked hold of her with a Beat hook Dept a pisted & got a
Rope & fastened it round the deced that they then got her round the
Vessel bow & from thence into the vessel Dept that she grooned
very much but could not speak Dept then got her on his back
& carried her on the Quay & from thence to the Antigallian Publick
House Kept Ley Mr Richd Duffin< no role >
Dept placed her on a table on
the Tap Room & asked the Mistress of the House Mrs. Duffin
to list the deced have a Bed which the refused Dept: then
placed the deced before the five & in a little time the deced
recovered & asked for her Shoes Dept then last the deced
Dept understood the deced died the next Morning
Sworn this 23d. day of November
1796 before me}
George Harmoney< no role >
George Gower< no role >
a Watchman lodging at Mr Gavills
Street Southwark
maketh Oath that between
eight & nine last Monday Night Dept. being on the watch on
board a Craft at Billingsgate
Dock saw a Woman walking along
a plants on the Quay inside the Rail that just as she got
to the corner of the Railwhich god [..]
a Ladder that goes
from the Quay to the Craft she suddenly fell from the Quay
into the water that no person was near has that Dept
assisted the last Witness in getting he out of the water
Sworn this 23d. day of November
1796 before me}
George Gower< no role >