City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1796 - 30th December 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650090581

Image 581 of 67722nd November 1796


Deposition of a Witness taken at
the Borough of Southwark to wit at the
Parish of Saint Olave within the Borough
aforesaid this 22d. day of November 1796
on view of the body of Christopher Stoneham< no role >
now here lying Dead

William Stirr< no role > a Mariner belonging to the Sloops
Friendship now lying at Yorkshalls Wharf in the
Parish of Saint Olave &whereofand Sloop Thomas James< no role > Briggs
is Master maketh Oath that he hath known the deced
Christopher Stoneham< no role > about two years That he was
an Apprentice to the Master of the said Sloop that
he saw the deced playing on the said Wharf with some
other Boys about five oClock in Evening of Sunday last
That Dept and a person of the name Richard Huddefold< no role >
who usually, slept with the deced went on board the board The Sloop about nine oClock same Evening on
order to go [..] rest That the deced was not then on board
That yesterday Morning about seven oClock upon getting
up in order to go to work they missed the deced That they
inquired of the Watchman in the Wharf if he had seen
his the Watchman sayed a Boy had been taken up
out of the Water & taken to Battle Bridge Stairs
Dept went to Battle bridge Stairs & from thence to
the spread Eagle Public house & there found the deced
lying dead in a Room in the saint house That his Cloaths
were wet and he appeared to have not been long taken
out of the Water

William [mark] Stirr< no role >

Sworn this 22d. of September 1796
before me}

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