Depositions of a Witness taken at the Parish
of Saint George Botolph Lane
in the Ward
of Billingsgate
in London
aforesaid this
4th. day of November 1796 on view of the
Body of a Boy unknown now here lying
Jno. Bates< no role >
of Love Lane London Cabinet maker
maketh Oath and saith that between 9 & is on Wednesday
Morning last he went to Antis allian Publick House
Darkhouse Lane< no role >
a House appointed by the Humane
security for the reception of drowned personsthat he found
the deced lying upon or table in the tap Room of that House
that his Cloaths were quite wet and he appeared to
have been dead some timeDept. put him in a Shell
& conveyed him to the Engine House St. Mary at Hill
Sworn this 4th. day of November
1796. before me.}
Jno Bates< no role >