City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1796 - 30th December 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650090547

Image 547 of 67724th October 1796


Deposition of a Witness taken at London
that is to say at the Parish of Saint Mildred
the Virgin in the Ward of Cheap in London
aforesaid this 24th. day of October 1796
on view of the Body of Ann Cross< no role > now
here lying Dead

Martha Haselton< no role > a Prisoner in the Poultry Compter
maketh oath that on Saturday last Dept. found the deced in
one of the Rooms of the prison having been committed there
as Dept. understood the day before, that she appeared very ill
her Legs were much swelled that her Stomach was also swelled
that she got worse daily until about two o Clock this Morning
when she departed this Life.That she appeared sensible to the
time of her Death and sayed the should die that the complained
very much of her Stomach and Legs and wished to Dept. to
[..] her Legs which Dept. did Dept. [..] believes the deceds
Complaint to have been dropsieal.

Sworn this 24th. day of October
1796 before me}

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