Informations of Witnesses taken at the parish of
Saint Catherine Cree in the Ward of
in London the 7th. October 1796
on view of the body of Solomen Jones there
lying dead.
Joseph Hart< no role >
Myers of John Street
America Square
Dr. of Physic
maketh oath that he has attended the
deced for some time past. Says he was much desited & Cons
that he had an lier of melancholy about him, and his
conversation was very unconnected and in cohirent, and Dept
has no doubt but his mind was damaged.
Jos: Hart Myers
Isaac Canter< no role >
a lodger in the deced house in
meeting house yard old Jewry
maketh oath
that yesterday morning he heard a screaming below Stairs which
occasioned him to go downshe there saw the deced Wife and
the deced lying upon his belly; the deced Wife explaining of' my
, my Husbanda Stewards to saw that the deceds throat
was cut the necessary ill and unable to speakshe afterwards
saw a knife and Dept. believes the deced had cut his own throat
Both depts. sworn the 7th.
Octr. 1796 before me
T. Shelton Corr.}
Isaac Canter< no role >