An Inquisition Indented taken for our Sovereign Lord the King at the Parish of Saint George
within the Borough
of Southwark
in the County of Surry on the Eleventh day of April
in the thirty second
year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and
Ireland King Defender of the faith and so forth Before
Thomas Shelton< no role >
Coroner of our
said Lord the King for the City of London
and Borough of Southwark
on view of the Body of
John Brigland< no role >
now here lying dead by the Oath of
Samuel Jordan< no role >
James Gregory< no role >
Anthony Bird< no role >
James Breedon< no role >
William Sealey< no role >
Andrew Chambers< no role >
John Nichols< no role >
, Daniel Pocock,
Charles Ogdon< no role >
William Fellows< no role >
John Naylor< no role >
Richard Warren< no role >
, and
Joseph Snelson< no role >
, good and lawful men
of the Parish aforesaid within the Borough
aforesaid in the County aforesaid who being now here duly chosen sworn and
Charged to inquire for our said Lord the King when how and in what manner the said
John Brigland< no role >
came to his death say upon their Oath that the said
John Brigland< no role >
on the Ninth day of April in
the afear aforesaid being going and passing along and through a certain Public Road there
situate called Kings Bench Walk And a certain person unknown being driving a certain Cart
drawn by One Horse along and through the said public Road It so happened that the said John
Brigland accidentally casually and by Misfortune fell to the Ground there and near to the said Cart while
the same was passing on as a aforesaid by means whereof the off wheel of the said Cart did then
and there accidentally casually and by misfortune go upon and pass over the Body of him the said
John Brigland< no role >
by means whereof the said
John Brigland< no role >
did then and there receive
one mortal Wound in and upon his said Body of which said Mortal Wound he the
John Brigland< no role >
did then and there die and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath
aforesaid do say that the said
John Brigland< no role >
in manner and by the means aforesaid
Casually and by misfortune was accidentally killed and that the said Off Wheel of the said
Cart was morning to the death of the said
John Brigland< no role >
and is of the value of five Shillings
and the Property and in the possession of a Certain persons or peruses unknown In
Witness Whereof as well the said Coroner as the said
Samuel Jordon< no role >
the foreman of the said Jurors
on Behalf of himself and the rest of his fellows in their presence have to this Inquisition set their
hands and Seals the day Year and place first above Written
Saml. Jordan [mark] Foreman< no role >