Informations of Witnesses taken at the
Parish of Saint Sepulchre
in the Ward of
without in London the 3rd. day
of December 1788
on view of the Body of
Mary Smith< no role >
then and there lying dead
Rose Fitzpatrick< no role > This name instance is in set 1284.
a Prisoner
in His Majesty< no role >
's Gaol of
maketh Oath and saith she hath known the
Mary Smith< no role >
for this five Months past that she
was also a Prisoner in the said Goal that on Sunday
last she was taken ill with a Complaint in her Bowels
that she continued very ill insomuch that she was
to go aboutthat the deced continued very
ill until this Morning about two OClock when she
departed this Lifethat she believes the deced
to have died from old Age and a Natural decay of
Nature and not from any violence from any person
Sworn the 3d: day of December 1788
before me}
Rose Fitzpatrick< no role > This name instance is in set 1284.
her Mark [mark]