s d
Bread Beer and Ale.. 5.. 0
Wine2.. 2.. 2
Buller and Cheese0.. 3.. 6
Tobacco.. 2.. 0
Buller'd Eggs0.. 8
£2.. 13.. 4
Servants11.. 1.. 8
£2.. 15..
13th April 1720
Allowed this Bill for
Two Pounds Fifteen Shillings
Henry Hankey< no role >
Richd Bayle< no role >
William Ingram< no role >
Willm. Holloway< no role >
Benj Rusbatch< no role >
Fran Walford< no role >
Reed April yr 13 1721
The Contentes in full
of this bil
Pr Henry Eaestace< no role >