St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

28th March 1683 - 15th October 1729

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307010433

Image 433 of 83524th June 1712

June ye 24 1712


£ s d
For Nurseing 5 Children a yr Tim Ester Voll Leuiie dol 07-11-08
for Schooling 3 Children Tim Ester and Vol00-09-09
for Clotheing 5 Children01-05-02
for Nurseing Lone 25 days shee dyes ye. 19 day of april 1712 00-08-04
for buryall Charges00-10-06
for drops for time and Lettives Chiques< no role > 00-01-00
for a Testament and Primner00-01 03

to ye Person 00-06-00
for buryall Charges 02-06
for fetching Coffin and frn 1-06
for me Afidant00-00-06

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