Wee Sr Jonn Fleete< no role >
Knight Alderman of the Ward of Langborne
within the City of London
& Sr Robert Beachcroft< no role >
& Alderman two of
her Majties: Justices of the peace
within the said City and dwelling neare to the
parish of St Dyonis Backchurch
London according to the Statute made for
releife of the poore Doeby these prsents nominate authorize and appoint
Robert Parnell< no role >
Richard Nichols< no role >
John Blackhall< no role >
Isaack Bennett< no role >
Goodlad< no role >
Richard Bayley< no role >
Casar Chamberlain< no role >
Richard Lindsey< no role >
Coatsworth< no role >
Esqr: Rowland Fryan< no role >
John Dawson< no role >
William Ingram< no role >
Robert Atwood< no role >
Henry Hankey< no role >
James Marriner< no role >
Daniel Quarterman< no role >
James Whitchurch< no role >
Briscoe< no role >
& Richard Eames< no role >
Substantiall householders within the paish aforesaid
or any Five of them to joyne with Richard White< no role >
& James Webster< no role >
Church Wardens
of the parish aforesaid to performe & execute all matters & things whatsoever according
to the purport & true meaning of the Statute aforesd: from ye feast of Easter now last past
untill the feast of Easter now next ensueing Given under our hands & Seales this Thirtieth Day
of May Anno Dni 1711
And in the Tenth yeare of our Sovereigne Lady Queene Anne over England [..]
John [mark] Fleet< no role >
Robt [mark] Beachcroft< no role >