Laide out for Cloaths for
Frances & Sowsanah Dionis
January14 -
for 2 Vper Coates£00:09:00
4 Boddis Coates00:06:00
4 Barrows00:03:06
4 Blankets00:06:00
2 Rowlers00:01:00
4 Pare of Stockings00:01:06
2 Pare of Shoose00:01:00
4 Wast Coates00:03:00
6 Beds00:06:00
4 Frocks00:10:00
2 Rodd Mantels00:03:4
8 Nite Caps00:04:00
6 Neck Cloaths00:02:00
6 Bagory00:02:00
6 head Bands00:01:06
6 Shifts00:06:00
12 Clouts00:08:00
Law & tape00:00:02
for my Charge & truble
with frances Dionis
alowed att hes Baptising00:02:6
for my Charge & truble
with Sewsanah Dionis}00:03:00
alowed att her Baptising00:02:6
For 4 Matts for ye Church00:3:4
For a letter to Woodford bridg00:00:1
paid for Bringing ye Child00:1:00
Recd Febr 1st 1708
of James
Marener< no role >
Church Warden
in a full of this Bill
the Marke F of
Mrs Fox