St. Dionis Back Church
. Dr. to Jon. Harris< no role >
£ s d
1708 May 5th
for Mending Desk boards. Worke
nails and Glue
July 3 for takeing down a Pew ¾ of a day0.2.0
4. for makeing good the Wainscot Where
the pew was taken down 1 days Worke} 0.2.8
for ½ [..] 10d. ½ [..] 6d. 1 [..] 3d. nails0.0.11
for a Bench in Mr: Websters pew
for Wainscot0.1.0
for 2 Paire of hinges
for Worke0.1.6
10. for 5 Whole Deals at 16d pd call0.6.8
for 12 ft. of fir double quarter0.2.0
for 3 foot of Oake 6 in by 6 at 6d P ft.0.1.6
for 2 days & a qr. Worke1.6.0
for 38. foot of 2½ Oake plank
at 7d. P ft}1.2.2
for 2 foot & ½ of Oake 4 and 6.
at 6d. P foot}0.1.3
for 4 pound ½ of Large nails
at 4½ per pound}0.1.8¼
for ¼ [..] 20d. nails0.0.4
1708/9 for 5 days Worke0.13.4
Jan. 15 for 4 foot of ale at 2d P foot0.0.8
for 30 ten peny nails & Worke0.1.0
22. for mending a Bench Work & nails0.0.6
for chole dent0-1-4
April 2 for worke and nails0-3-6