April: 8th Worke Don att St: Dionis Back Church
1708 Mr: Marrener Church Warden
For 4 pewkes00:02:02
27 For a Rod for ye box £6:3 Kes00:02:00
May 12th For a Lockmerded ye Ke
: 4d00:01:04
June 4th For a Lockmended00:00:06
12 For Plattes and Staples for
Fore is plugs
For Lockand Kes and hinges
July 8th with naibes and Rewts for
The Fier Corkes} 00:17:00
12 For 2 Kestetumethem00:01:6
For 2 Stays 4 Stapelspon00:01:02
For 2 holdfasts and nailes00:01:00
August 31 For Lock of the Vestrey me [..] :02:00
For putting up the bonds nails00:01:00
For 2 plattes Stapls nails plugs00:04:00
Sept 4 For Kenended 6d Strue 3s00:00:09
For Lockmended and 2 Kes: Do00:01:06
For 2 bonds mowfer plags nurbs00:00:06
27 For a Ketestock Lork00:01:00
30 For 6 pew Kes and as [..] nett00:03:03
For Kepew 6d Stapell 3d Shofell Pan00:01:09
Novber 10th For Lock sett an 4d a Ke 8d00:01:00
Dec 8th For a new hamer for ye Ingen00:01:06
For mending the stays bells [..] 00:01:06
Jan 28 For bolt 2d fender: 6d Lockmeded 6d 00:01:02
1708 For 2 Collers and 2 squaws nails to
Mend ye Church yard done nothfid } 00:01:06
Receved 31 [..] Iron 2s:7d02:17:01
2 7