St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

28th March 1683 - 15th October 1729

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307010241

Image 241 of 83516th April 1707

[..] mine Pattman his executors administrators and assignes from
[..] utie yeares form thence new ensueing and fully to bee compleate
[..] chwardens of the said parrish of St. Dionys Backchurch London
[..] full Money of England at two fease dayes or termes in the
[..] gell by even and equall porcons And the said
[..] grannt to and with the said Twnstees parties to these
[..] nne Pattman his executors administractors or assignes or
[..] us Backchurch for the time being for and in respect of the
[..] nnss of Lawfull Maney of England At the said Two feasts
[..] either of said fease dayes by even and equall porcons
[..] his or their owne proper costs and charges shall and will
[..] feepe the hedges vitches gates and fences belonging to
[..] wayes within three Moneths next after warnning to bee given
[..] fences thereunto belonging or to bee belonging soe well
[..] erminacon of this present demise and Sease which shall
[..] And that it shall and may bee Lawfull aswell to and
[..] St. Dionys Backchurch London for the time being or either of
[..] convenient times to enter and come into and open the
[..] of the repaire thereof and of all the Defaults and want
[..] dwelling house of the said Benjamine Pattman< no role > Scituate in
[..] ne within the spae of three Moneths then next ensueing
[..] in the said tearme of One and Twentie yeares
[..] part thereof Then hee the said Benjamine Pattman his
[..] dens of the said Parrish of St: Dionys Backchurch London
[..] within the said tearme of this Sease eared plouged or conver
[..] ds of Lawfull money of England at the said two feasts
[..] an Increase of Dent for the same over and above the
[..] earely That of Six pounds or any part thereof to bee behinde
[..] payment thereof above menconed wherein the same ought
[..] thereof above expressed) That then and from thenceforth
[..] such person or persons in their behalfe as Shall bee there unto
[..] same to have againe reteyne repossess and enjoy as in a
[..] the premisses thereout and from thence utterly to expess
[..] The said Trustees parties to these presents for
[..] w with the said Benjamine Pattman< no role > his executors
[..] assignes for and under the yearely rent covenannts
[..] pect of the said demised premisses to bee paid observed
[..] parcell of Weadow ground hereby demised and every part
[..] Lett suite trouble molestacon denyall Eviccon or
[..] ayme by from or under them or any of them or by from
[..] shall and may be Lawfull to and for the said Benjamine
[..] Sufficient heds boote and gate boote for the necessary
and about the femeing of the premisses onely and not to
their hands and Seales dated the day and yeare first

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