Mr. Andy. Chapman Church Warden of St.
Dionis Back ChurchDr. To John Cooper< no role >
To a Quarters Salery for Sexton Due 24th June
To Ditto Blow bellows0-15-0
Pd. With Poors bread0-13-0
To Dusting the branches & brases to ye. organ Loft 0.2.6
Dusting Cloths0-2-0
Mops brushes and brooms0-10-0
Soape and Sand0-4-6
To Woman's Cleening the Church0-12-0
Drink for Ditto0-1-0
2 Wesks for the Lined Pews0-0-6
A Bottel of Harts horn Drops for the Vestery0-0-3
Wands and Noes gays0-11-0
Stickings and Noes gays for the Church1 1 0
Oyle for the bells0 2 6
Splicing the 7th Bell Roape0 0 6
5 Hassocks0-5-0
To piling ye. Coffens & Cleening ye. Vault under ye. South Ill0-4-6
To Cutting and Nurling up the Vines Diging up the South
Church yeard and soing it with grass Seed
Trouble with Mary Barrot at Nurs Willsons0-1-0
Trouble with a Woman at ye. Wack hous her arm broke 0-1-0