Brought Over3 9 9
26 Two Papers of Cardial Powdr. Mrs Blowers Childs 1:
a Large Cordial Julap P Dtto 1 4
The Anodine Draugh P Ditto : :8
27 Dtto Draught: :8
A Cathartic Potion:1:
Two papers of Cordial Powdr. Trueloves child 1
A Cordial Julap: P Dttto- 1 4
28 A Cordial Draught: : 8
The Restringt: Ingredients: :4½
The Epispastik Plaister P Back 1
Two paper's of Cordial Powdr: 1:
29 The Restring Clyster: 1: 6
Melilot Plaister's No ii4
Bladder & pipe: : 4
A Cordial Draught: : 8
The Restringt: Ingredients: :4½
A Cordial Restringt: Julap: 1: 4
The Epispastic Plaisters P Ear's Mrs. T. :1:
Pearl Barley and: Gum4
A Lotion P Eyes:1:4
30 The Cephalick Drops Mrs T:1:
The Restri agt: Ingredients: :4½
1 Two paper's of Cordial Powdr
Mr Truelove child 1
A Cordial Julap::1:8
Melilot Plaister's: : 2
2 Two Cordial Cephalic Draughts Mrs True 2 4
Pearl Barley: :1
Melilot Plaister's: :2
A Cordial Draught: Mrs Tiler: 1:2
A Balsamic Mixture P Dtto: 1:8
3 Dtto. mixture Repeated Mrs: Tiler1 8
A Cordial Draught-P Dtto: 1:2
Two Cordial Boluses. Mrs. Truelove 2 4
A Large Cordial Julap-P Dtto1 8
Melilot Plaister's No. 2: : 2
Pearl Barley 4 or: :3
A Cordial Draught: 1: 2
4 A Cordial Febrifuge mixture: 1:8
A Cordial Draught: 1:2
Thee Emollient Clyster P Pauls Truelove 1 6
Bladder & pipe: :4
The Epispastick Plaister P Back 1
A Cordial Draught:1:8
Pearl Barley & Gum Arabic: :4
The Emollicat Clyster P Joe Truelove 1 4
Thee Epispastick Plaister P Back P Dtto:1:
A Cordial Draught: :8
5 Dtto: :8
Melilot Plaister-P Joe Truelove: :1
Dtto. P Paul Truelove: : 1
The opening Draught P: Pauls:1
A Cordial Draught.1
5 17 10½
Brought Over5 17 10½
Octor. 5
Cardial mixture P paul Truelove 1 8
a Cardial Captaloock
[..] P Mrs T 1 2
a Large Cordial Febrifug & mixture P Ditto 1 8
Pearl Batley: :2
6 The Cardia;s Bolus P Mrs. Trulove
[..] :1:2
Melliot Plaister's P Mrs. True Love Boys: : 3
3 Cordial Draughts P Paul Truelove 3
Pearl Batley: : 1
Besh Spt. of Hartshorse: : 4½
The Cordial Mixture P Mrs: Tiler 1:8
7 Melilot Plaister'sP Paul Truelov 2
The Anodine Draught: 1:
The Emollient Embrocation: : 8
The Cathartic Potion P Joe Truelove: : 9
The Opening Potion P Jno: Truelove 9
8 The Healing Liniments P Mrs Truelov 2
The Cordial powder P Truelove Dir. 6
A Cordial Bolus p Dtto: : 8
A Cordial Cephalick Julap: 1: 6
Melilot Plaister: : 1½
9 3 Paper's of Cordial powdr. Mary Truelov 1 6
The Emollient Clyster: 1: 4
Two paper's of Cordial pounds. P Sucky 1
A Large Cordial Julap: 1: 6
10 Dtto. Julap:1:6
Two paper's of Cordial powds1
The Epispastick Plaister P Back 1
Two Paper's of Cephalick pouds mary T. 1
11 Melilot Plaister: :1
Two Paper's of Cordial Powdr mary T :1:
Pearl Barley: :1
2 paper's of Powdr. P Suckey Truelov 1
The Cordial Julap P Dtto1 6
3 Cordial Draughts P Jno. Truelov 2
A Cordial Draught P Paul1
12 Melilot Plaister: : 1
Two Papers of Cordial Powds. p Sucky 1:
A Large Cordial Julap:1:6
The Epispastick Plaister P Jno. T 1
Two Cordial Draughts: 1: 4
Pearl Barley & Gum: : 3
13 3 Cordial Draughts- 2
Melilot Plaister: : 1
A Cordial Draught P Paul T 1
14 Melilot Plaister P Jno: :1
A Cordial Febr fuge mixture:1:8
Pearl Barley: :1
Two papers of Cordial: 1:
A Large Cordial Julap:1:8
A Cordial Bolus1
Cordial DraughtP Paul 1
8 6 7½