The Cathartick Tincture Repeated-2
7 Two antiparalytick Draughts-2 8.
Two Dtto2 8.
Five Melilot Paisters10
13 A Cordial Surdor Pick Draught p Mrs Taylor1 6.
A Bottle of: Caphalick drops P Dtto- 1 6
14 The Draught Repeated P Dtto1 6.
17 The Drops Repeated1 6
18 A Large Cordial Mixture P Suck: Statement2
Pearl Barley2.
19 The Restringt: Ingredts: P Ann Beale6
A Large Cordial Restringts: mixture 2
The Restringt: Ingredt. P Mr. Yatesley6.
A Cordial Restringt. mixture-2.
20 The Restringt. Ingredients Repeated6
A Large Epispastick Plaister P Barn2 6.
Mc Chilot Paister p-8
The Restringt: mixture Repeated2
The Epispastick Plaister P Back P Statement1 6.
Manna and Cream of Tartar P dtto- 6
A Large Cordial Mixture P dtto1 8.
A Cathartick Potion P wards Boy1
24 A Cordial mixture P Mrs: Yatesley-2
The Purgeing Draught P wards Boy1
2 A Cordial Bolus P Mrs Griggs- 1 6
Two Dtto3
A Large Cordial Balsumick mixture 2
3 A Purgeing Potion Mrs. Stallard-1 6.
4 The Large Epispastick Plaister P Gringe2 6
A Cordial Bolus Reptd: P Ditto1.6.
Two Dtto3
A Large Cordial Balsumick mixture2
Melilot Plaisters1
5 The Purgeing Potion Mrs. Stallard1 6
6 A Cordial Boluses P Mrs. Griggs3
Two Dto3
The Cathartick Tincture P Mrs Stallard2
7 The Balsamick Mixture Reptd2
The Cathartick Potion P Mrs. Griggs2
16 Dtto2.
20 Dtto2
A Large Pot of antiscorbutick Liniment3
Carried Over4 7 2