St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307000893

Image 893 of 138213th April 1742

Bonds Close


The 13th Day of April 17 42
REceived of Mr. Thos. Green the Sum of
Pound Six Shilling th
so much being Assessed on the Landlord, for the 4 Quarterly
Payment, pursuant to an Act of Parliament, for granting an
Aid to His Majesty, by a Land-Tax to be raised in Great-Britain,
for the service of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and
Forty 1}

By {Josh Watts} Collector

Printed and Sold by John Benskin, Stationer, at the Bible and Star on London-Bridge .

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